Please contact
Please contact us by telephone or e-mail before visiting the office.
The law firm’s office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays, and at other times if required.
16/2 Mazurska Street, 10-520 Olsztyn
(entrance from the courtyard, staircase I)E-mail: number
+48 508 699 406Payment details:
Law Firm of Attorney-at-Law Iwona Greń-Florczuk
Mazurska Street 16/2, 10-520 Olsztyn
NIP: 7393586873Account:
ING Bank Śląski S.A.
PL 84 1050 1807 1000 0097 4057 2723
SWIFT: INGBPLPWMethods of payment: Cash, bank transfer, fast phone transfer, BLIK